Mérite Jeunesse AL
The Skills section is about discovering what you’re really good at. Maybe you want to get better at something you already do, like playing a musical instrument, or learn something for the very first time, like how to design a website?
By developing practical and social skills and nurturing your personal interests and talents, you’ll boost your self-esteem and your CV.
Extracurricular activities
Extracurricular activities are those that fall outside the realm of the normal curriculum of the school : i.e. Kolléisch in Concert, Dactylo
Luxembourg Tech School
The LTS is a new extracurricular school to support the development of future Digital Leaders. Students follow a Business and Technology program, they get personalized coaching and work on their own projects, which they showcase at the end of each block.
Scout leadership training
You can use your scout leader training towards your skill.
Learning an instrument
If you play an instrument, you can use these lessons towards your skill section.
Eischt Hëllef Team Kolléisch
Schüler hëllefe Schüler - zënter 1998 : Eischt Hëllef Cours
Programme ideas : Skills section
This sheet gives you a list of programme ideas that you could do or you could use it as a starting point to create a Skills programme of your own!
Portail des Secours
Le corps des ambulanciers et des sauveteurs se compose d'agents bénévoles qui se recrutent dans toutes les couches de la population.
Jonk Fuerscher Lëtzebuerg
D’Fondatioun Jeunes Scientifiques Luxembourg bidd, Kontakter mat Spezialisten, Virschléi fir ze fuerschen, matmachen bei internationale Concoursen, Stagen am Ausland, interessant Visiten, Méiglechkeet selwer aktiv ze gin, Ausstellungen, Konferenzen ..
Base1 as däi Makerspace am Forum Geesseknäppchen.
Hei an der Base1 kanns du all dat verwierklëchen, wovouns du schons ëmmer gedreemt has. Bau deng eegen Drone oder ee Roboter! Dréi däin eegene Film oder ee Video fir däi Youtube-Channel! Programméier däin eege Video-Spill oder schaf déng eege Musék!
Eis Coachen hëllefen dir dobäi.