Mérite Jeunesse AL
1.I want to sign up for the Award but I have problems to plan my program
(i.e. missing skill, sport or service). Please use this ideas list as inspiration :
2.I would like to sign up for the Mérite Jeunesse, but I cannot find the necessary
form to fill out ! Find the Fiche d’Inscription here :
3.Where can I find the tutors at the Athénée ?
You can find us every Wednesday in room N101, from 13:05 to 13:55 !
Frequently asked questions
1.How many hikes in total do I have to do to obtain an award?
With the correct preparation, 1 hike is enough to obtain an award.
4.Do we have to achieve our goals in all four categories (voluntary work, skills, sports, expedition) ?
YES, you have to achieve your goals in all four of the categories. There will be no exception.
5.Until I get my own record book, where can I get those hours signed off that I already did ?
Find the Carnet de Bord here :
2.Which maps to chose for which part of the country?
Find the Découpe R-cartes here :
3.Where can I find online and print the maps I need to plan my journey ?
Visit www.geoportail.lu site !
4.When we’ve decided on our group members for the expedition/exploration,
where can we register our group ? Find the Composition de groupe here :
5.We’ve decided on our hike route/exploration route but we don’t know where to fill
in the information for the assessor ! Find the Route Card here :
6.I’ve signed up for an expedition/exploration, but I cannot find the important medical
form I need to fill out ! Find the Fiche Médicale here :
7. I completed my expedition, what do I need to include in my Report ?
Find some information here :
6. Is it enough for me to complete the requested hours or do I need to check the requested months ?
You have to achieve your goals by doing your activities on a regular basis, which would be ideally
about 1 hour per week for the requested number of months.
8. The 15 key points for planning an expedition.
Find the document here :
Residential Project (only for Gold)
Here’s a short list with a few ideas:
•FAL colonie : www.fal.lu
•ZAK colonie : www.zak.lu
•Young Caritas Social Camp : www.youngcaritas.lu
•Original Volunteers : www.originalvolunteers.co.uk
•Sailing Trip : www.maybe-sailing.com
•Sam Sykes : www.samsykesltd.co.uk
Remember to ask us in advance before you sign up for a residential project.
Every residential project needs to be authorized by the Mérite Jeunesse Luxembourg.