Mérite Jeunesse AL



I want to sign up for the Award but I have problems to plan my program 
            (i.e. missing skill, sport or service). Please use this ideas list as inspiration :
  1. 1.I want to sign up for the Award but I have problems to plan my program

            (i.e. missing skill, sport or service). Please use this ideas list as inspiration :

I would like to sign up for the Mérite Jeunesse, but I cannot find the necessary 
            form to fill out ! Find the Fiche d’Inscription here :
  1. 2.I would like to sign up for the Mérite Jeunesse, but I cannot find the necessary

            form to fill out ! Find the Fiche d’Inscription here :

Where can I find the tutors at the Athénée ?
            You can find us every Wednesday in room N101, from 13:05 to 13:55 !
  1. 3.Where can I find the tutors at the Athénée ?

            You can find us every Wednesday in room N101, from 13:05 to 13:55 !

Frequently asked questions

How many hikes in total do I have to do to obtain an award?
            With the correct preparation, 1 hike is enough to obtain an award.
  1. 1.How many hikes in total do I have to do to obtain an award?

            With the correct preparation, 1 hike is enough to obtain an award.

Do we have to achieve our goals in all four categories (voluntary work, skills, sports, expedition) ?
            YES, you have to achieve your goals in all four of the categories. There will be no exception.
  1. 4.Do we have to achieve our goals in all four categories (voluntary work, skills, sports, expedition) ?

            YES, you have to achieve your goals in all four of the categories. There will be no exception.

Until I get my own record book, where can I get those hours signed off that I already did ? 
            Find the Carnet de Bord here :
  1. 5.Until I get my own record book, where can I get those hours signed off that I already did ? 

            Find the Carnet de Bord here :

Which maps to chose for which part of the country?
            Find the Découpe R-cartes here :
  1. 2.Which maps to chose for which part of the country?

            Find the Découpe R-cartes here :

Where can I find online and print the maps I need to plan my journey ? 
            Visit www.geoportail.lu site !
  1. 3.Where can I find online and print the maps I need to plan my journey ?

            Visit www.geoportail.lu site !

When we’ve decided on our group members for the expedition/exploration, 
            where can we register our group ? Find the Composition de groupe here :
  1. 4.When we’ve decided on our group members for the expedition/exploration,

            where can we register our group ? Find the Composition de groupe here :

We’ve decided on our hike route/exploration route but we don’t know where to fill 
            in the information for the assessor ! Find the Route Card here :
  1. 5.We’ve decided on our hike route/exploration route but we don’t know where to fill

            in the information for the assessor ! Find the Route Card here :

I’ve signed up for an expedition/exploration, but I cannot find the important medical 
            form I need to fill out ! Find the Fiche Médicale here :
  1. 6.I’ve signed up for an expedition/exploration, but I cannot find the important medical

            form I need to fill out ! Find the Fiche Médicale here :

 I completed my expedition, what do I need to include in my Report ?
            Find some information here :
  1. 7. I completed my expedition, what do I need to include in my Report ?

            Find some information here :

 Is it enough for me to complete the requested hours or do I need to check the requested months ?
            You have to achieve your goals by doing your activities on a regular basis, which would be ideally
            about 1 hour per week for the requested number of months.
  1. 6. Is it enough for me to complete the requested hours or do I need to check the requested months ?

            You have to achieve your goals by doing your activities on a regular basis, which would be ideally

            about 1 hour per week for the requested number of months.



 The 15 key points for planning an expedition.
            Find the document here :
  1. 8. The 15 key points for planning an expedition.

            Find the document here :

Residential Project (only for Gold)

Here’s a short list with a few ideas:
FAL colonie : www.fal.lu
ZAK colonie : www.zak.lu
Young Caritas Social Camp : www.youngcaritas.lu
Original Volunteers : www.originalvolunteers.co.uk
Sailing Trip : www.maybe-sailing.com
Sam Sykes : www.samsykesltd.co.uk
INFLUENCE : The Gold Award Summit on Youth Issues 

Remember to ask us in advance before you sign up for a residential project. 
Every residential project needs to be authorized by the Mérite Jeunesse Luxembourg.
  1. Here’s a short list with a few ideas:

  2. FAL colonie : www.fal.lu

  3. ZAK colonie : www.zak.lu

  4. Young Caritas Social Camp : www.youngcaritas.lu

  5. Original Volunteers : www.originalvolunteers.co.uk

  6. Sailing Trip : www.maybe-sailing.com

  7. Sam Sykes : www.samsykesltd.co.uk

  8. INFLUENCE : The Gold Award Summit on Youth Issues

Remember to ask us in advance before you sign up for a residential project.

Every residential project needs to be authorized by the Mérite Jeunesse Luxembourg.